The PBS Hawaiʻi Livestream is now available!

PBS Hawaiʻi Live TV
Noelani Kalipi reads an excerpt from "Oh, the Places You’ll Go" by Dr. Seuss.
Kamani Kualaʻau reads an excerpt from "Change We Must" by Nana Veary.
Joy Miura Koerte reads an excerpt from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling.
Kent Tsukamoto reads an excerpt from "Little Brown Monkey" by Elizabeth Upham.
Jake Fergus reads an excerpt from the book "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa.
Jodi Endo Chai reads an excerpt from the book "Wailana the Waterbug" by Lisa Matsumoto.
Torrie Inouye reads an excerpt from the book "Oli Would Grow... and So Can You."
Shane Petosa-Sigel reads an excerpt from his book "Haku and Sam".
Leslie Wilcox reads an excerpt from “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs” by Jon Scieszka.
Nanci Kreidman reads from the book Hearts That We Broke Long Ago.
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