There are many ways to support PBS Hawaiʻi and one is through volunteerism. Volunteers provide an invaluable service to our organization and play a vital role to the successful operation of our station. Whether answering phones during our live shows such as INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAIʻI and KĀKOU, assisting with special events, and/or supporting other essential duties, volunteers are warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated.
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Volunteer With Us!
Effective 7/7/2021, we are welcoming back volunteers, in-studio guests, visitors and contractors to our home. Our top priority is the safety, health and wellness of all. For that reason, we are implementing safety measures and an incremental approach to bringing back visitors.
Required safety procedures include: a) the mandatory use of masks for all, except for in-studio guests during live productions, b) a limit of 10 volunteers per day, c) daily wellness checks including temperature checks and social distancing practices.
All guests are required to review our PBS Hawaiʻi Volunteers In-Studio Guests Visitors and Contractors Protocol, complete a Volunteer Application Form and fill out the COVID-19 Health Screening Questionnaire. At this time, we are not allowing minors to volunteer in-person.
To volunteer with PBS Hawaiʻi, the following forms must be reviewed and completed.
- Volunteer Application Form
- COVID-19 Health Screening Questionnaire
- PBS Hawaii Volunteers In-Studio Guests, Visitors and Contractors Protocol
For more information on volunteering, please email Christina Sumida at:
MAHALO in advance for your commitment to PBS Hawaiʻi and our community!