Meth Overdoses by Hawaiʻi Seniors
Methamphetamine poisoning is the leading cause of fatal overdoses among adults 50 to 79 in the islands, according to a University of Hawaiʻi study. Many of the victims have been using meth for decades. Researchers are calling for additional studies to determine why seniors continue using meth. Join the discussion about meth overdoses by Hawaiʻi seniors Thursday at 7:30 pm on Insights on PBS Hawaiʻi.
Air Date: Thu, Jan 23, 2025 7:30 PM
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Panelists are:
- Treena Becker, PhD, Researcher – University of Hawaiʻi Center on Aging
- Mark Baker, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician – Pali Momi Medical Center
- Jeff Nash, Executive Director – Habilitat Addiction Treatment Center
- Michele Navarro Ishiki, Licensed Clinical Social Worker – Certified Substance Abuse Counselor