Since 2018, RYSE or Residential Youth Services and Empowerment, has been helping teens and young adults who are experiencing homelessness on O‘ahu. For 100 years the Ka Leo O Hawai‘i has served as the student-run newspaper for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. On Maui, a young man is grooving to the beat of his own voice. Pono Akiona is the 2022 American Beatbox Champion.
Local beatboxer Pono Akiona performs his song "Step Up to the Plate."
Pono Akiona shows you the fundamentals of beatboxing.
From a multi-generational family business to one that’s just starting to bloom, join us as we travel from Maui to Lā‘ie to learn more. Since 1916 the Rice and King families on the island of Maui have continued to perpetuate the ranch and rodeo lifestyle. In Lāʻie on O‘ahu, Saili Levi will be the first person to tell you that he never thought he would become a vanilla bean farmer. But a cancer diagnosis six years ago made him reexamine his life.
Pohai Huddy follows in her family's footsteps, embracing the rodeo lifestyle and the sport of barrel racing.
Started more than a decade ago, Sustainable Coastlines Hawai‘i, along with a team of dedicated workers and volunteers, work tirelessly to end plastic pollution statewide. Thanks to teachers like Kumu Hulu Mele Kahalepuna-Chun, the art form of Hawaiian featherwork is thriving. After playing a year of eight-man football at Moloka‘i High School, Vaai “Uso” Seumalo suits up for the Kansas State Wildcats and playing in the Big 12.
Marques Marzan, cultural advisor at Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum explains the Hawaiian concept of kinolau and how chiefs used it to choose the birds and colors for their cloaks.
Turning 100-years old is no small feat whether you’re a person, business or landmark. And in this month’s episode of Home is Here, we’re sharing two stories that are celebrating a century.
The children of 100-year-old Ella Fujie preserve the family recipe for potato salad.
On this episode of Home is Here we “go long” to Mānoa to catch up with Timmy Chang, the new University of Hawai’i Football head coach. We head to Haīku St. in Kāneʻohe where we visit the largest Native Hawaiian nursery in the world, Hui Kū Maoli Ola. On our last stop we travel to Makawao to meet Mitzi Toro, better known as “The Maui Cookie Lady.”