Insights on PBS Hawai‘i is a live, weekly one-hour public affairs show.
Air Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2023 7:30 PM
Beautiful hiking trails are among the many attractions Hawaiʻi has to offer. Every year, dozens of people are rescued from these trails for varying reasons. In many cases, those being rescued should never have been on the trail in the first place because the trail was closed to the public or otherwise off limits. A bill making its way through the Legislature would require government entities to seek reimbursement for some or all of the cost of the rescue.
Air Date: Thu, Apr 6, 2023 7:30 PM
State lawmakers created the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority in 1998 to, among other things, promote Hawaiʻi. Now, there are competing efforts in this year’s legislative session to reshape the HTA or even dissolve it completely. Join the discussion on the Future of the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority Thursday at 7:30 pm on Insights on PBS Hawaiʻi.
Air Date: Thu, Mar 23, 2023 7:30 AM
Oʻahu homeowners want relief from rising property taxes that skyrocketed due to significant double-digit increases in the assessed value of their properties. The city administration has proposed a one-time $300 property tax credit to qualified homeowners. Is that enough?
Air Date: Thu, Mar 16, 2023 7:30 AM
Hawaiʻi’s dire lack of affordable housing has been deemed a crisis for decades and yet nothing seems to change. In the 2022 election, candidates for office at the state and county levels across multiple political parties said solving the problem should be a priority. So what is being done? Join the conversation on Affordable Housing, Is It Possible? Thursday at 7:30 pm on Insights on PBS Hawai’i.
Air Date: Thu, Mar 2, 2023 7:30 AM
There is a multi-million dollar initiative to expand preschool options across the state. Ready Keiki aims to open dozens of new preschool classrooms next year, with hundreds more being created over the next decade. With the clock already ticking, how close is the state to meeting its first goal? And will it be enough to fill the gaps in availability and affordability facing many families?
Air Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2023 7:30 PM
A year ago, there was public outrage when a former state senator and a sitting state representative were charged with accepting bribes to steer legislation. Since then, dozens of measures have been introduced with the goals of fighting corruption and increasing transparency and accountability in state government? What bills have a chance of becoming law and can the public trust elected officials to regulate themselves when it comes to the issue of corruption?
Air Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2023 7:30 PM
Efforts to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults in Hawaiʻi has failed in recent years. So what’s different this year? A new governor who says he’s open to legalization. But before any measure even reaches his desk, it still needs to be approved by the Legislature and it’s unclear if lawmakers are ready to embrace the idea.
Air Date: Thu, Feb 2, 2023 7:30 PM
Nonprofits help everyone from keiki to kūpuna in everything from healthcare to childcare, to providing shelter, putting food on the table or simply sharing a hot meal. But rising costs including wages and persistent calls for help from the community, continue to be a challenge for many of these organizations, making it difficult for them to survive. How can we help the helpers and what happens if we don’t?
Air Date: Thu, Jan 19, 2023 7:30 PM
Hawaii has one of the highest percentages of youths using vaping products in the country, which experts say could lead to serious health problems. Lawmakers will try again this year to pass a bill outlawing flavored e-cigarettes. Governor Ige vetoed a similar measure last year that critics claimed was watered down by last minute lobbying from the tobacco industry.
Air Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2023 7:30 PM
A new year brings the start of a new legislative session. Add to that, a newly elected governor and lieutenant governor, along with several first-time lawmakers. For many it is a fresh start. How will that help the Legislature solve stubborn, lingering problems that plague the state as it convenes a new session?
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