HIKI NŌ on PBS Hawai‘i
Celebrating Student Production Studios

In this episode of HIKI NŌ on PBS Hawai‘i, learn about the different kinds of production studios at schools on Oʻahu and Kauaʻi and revisit some memorable stories from our archives.

We visit Honowai Elementary School’s new recording studio at their campus on Oʻahu and discover how far their program has come.

Waiʻanae High School students share their student-produced short documentary about the three decades behind its award-winning Searider Productions program. Student Denise Cabrera, from HIKI NŌ Class of 2024, visits the PBS Hawaiʻi studio and reflects on producing the “Making a Legacy” segment.

Students at Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School on Kaua’i also share some history behind CKTV, their award-winning broadcast program.

Finally, Āliamanu Middle School on Oʻahu has a special sister school program with Japan and student Daniel Padhi describes his experience in a HIKI NŌ Student Reflection.

The show is hosted by Litz Nachname, a senior at Hawaiʻi Technology Academy, who also shares other memorable pieces from the HIKI NŌ archives.


HIKI NŌ 11|19|24: 1605