Flagship PBS Series NOVA Looks at the Science of 2018 Kīlauea Eruption

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Flagship PBS Series NOVA Looks at the Science of 2018 Kīlauea Eruption

January 17, 2019

HONOLULU, HI – PBS’ flagship science series NOVA will take a scientific deep dive into last year’s Kīlauea Volcano eruption, in a program airing Wednesday, January 23, at 9:00 pm on PBS Hawaiʻi.

Kīlauea: Hawaiʻi on Fire investigates the geological causes of the state’s most destructive volcanic eruption in generations. It displaced thousands of residents. NOVA’s filmmakers were on the ground last year as Kīlauea spewed molten lava and threw out bombs of volcanic rock as big as refrigerators.

In this program, Hawai`i scientists explain the underground system of lava rivers and the monumental changes this eruption made on the surface of the land and below.