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HIKI NŌ #1309
Tues., Jan. 25, 2022 7:30 pm (Original Air Date )
On this special episode of HIKI NŌ — Hawaiʻi’s New Wave of Storytellers, HIKI NŌ students are joined by students from across the country in telling their stories and experiences of returning to school in person during the pandemic.
HIKI NŌ partnered with PBS NewsHour’s Student Reporting Labs to put on a special collaborative episode that features HIKI NŌ stories along with clips from the Student Reporting Labs’ special, “Our New Normal: How Teens are Redefining School Life.”
Kauaʻi High School junior Kate Nakamura hosts from the PBS Hawaiʻi studio.
The special episode includes a variety of teen voices. Students reflect on how they are working to preserve their mental health during the pandemic, how they navigate challenges posed by social media, and what they’d do to reinvent their educational experiences.
The episode also includes reports from HIKI NŌ students across the islands, including Kapaʻa High School senior Tristyn Rivera, who shares a reflection about her family’s practice of hunting wild boar, and Kauaʻi High School graduate/HIKI NŌ alumna Tiffany Sagucio, who shares a letter to her middle school self.
HIKI NŌ 1|25|22: 1309 (Original Air Date )