Watch our livestreams: PBS HAWAIʻI PBS KIDS 24/7 NHK WORLD-JAPAN
Cori Nakamoto, creator of Hawaiʻi based, Coriʻs Cake Dreams, visits the PBS Hawaiʻi studio to talk story.
Dr. Mestisa Gass returns to the show to discuss the importance of mental health, and the growing problem of teen depression in Hawaiʻi.
Local comedy legend Frank De Lima talks about his life and career.
What is Operation Green Harvest? Comedian and personality Lanai Tabura explains.
Legendary voice Kimo Kahoano talks about the history of the Hilo festival, his experiences in co-hosting the event and how the hula tradition has endured through the pandemic. Listen below:
Cultural practitioner, activist, and owner of Waiahole Poi Factory, Calvin Hoe shares the song "Aloha Mai Hakipuʻu" on the ʻohe hano ihu, or Hawaiian nose flute.
Cultural practitioner, activist, and owner of Waiahole Poi Factory, Calvin Hoe shares the art of making and playing the Hawaiian nose flute.
Veteran journalist Paula Akana shares the story of ‘Iolani Palace from a different seat: as Executive Director of The Friends of ‘Iolani Palace.
Creator of the local card game Ulus to Ulus Jolie Takazono talks about her inspiration, and how she has used the success of the game to give back to the community.
In 1928, watercress was one of the only locally grown green vegetables in Hawai‘i. Now, nearly a century later, Emi Suzuki is standing on the shoulders of three previous generations who worked hard and sacrificed much.