The Honolulu City Council is considering new approaches to stop illegal game rooms from popping up in neighborhoods across Oʻahu. Right now, law enforcement is the only weapon against these enterprises.
Most of the beef products sold in Hawaiʻi come from the mainland, yet we do have cattle ranches on most islands. Why isn’t more locally-grown beef available?
This show brings together panelists to talk about resources to help Maui residents cope with the mental trauma of losing so much in the devastating wildfires in August.
A new COVID-19 vaccine booster is available for everyone over the age of six. How necessary
is it? What is the latest guidance regarding COVID vaccines and what is the status of COVID infections in Hawai‘i?
Hawai‘i has been fighting off invasive species for centuries. Now there is evidence that our native forests are losing the battle. Can we turn the tide?
Hawaiʻi’s infamous high cost of living has held its people back for decades, particularly our keiki. A recent report cites child-care and preschool costs as major reasons for pushing Hawaiʻi down nine points to 44th nationally when it comes to the economic well-being of children. So how do we change that sobering statistic? Join the conversation on improving the economic well-being of our keiki.
There are more than 80,000 cesspools across the state. By law, all of them need to be replaced or converted to more modern waste disposal systems. But there is a cost. How is Hawaiʻi doing in meeting that goal?
Are campaigns to improve pedestrian
safety working?
There is a renewed push to save the Haʻikū Stairs in Kāneʻohe, Windward Oʻahu after the city hired a contractor to remove them. The stairs, commonly referred to as Stairway to Heaven, go up the side of the Koʻolau Mountains. There is no legal public access to the stairs from the Windward side but that has not stopped hikers from traversing the trail prompting complaints from area residents about noise, trespassing and trash left behind.
Will construction of a pedestrian bridge over O‘ahu’s Ala Wai Canal be an improvement or a problem?